Real Time Prober Control

Real-Time Handler and Prober Control Module: Maximizing Test Efficiency

yieldWerx's Real-Time Handler and Prober Control Module revolutionizes the semiconductor testing process by enabling engineers to automatically control prober operations. This module integrates real-time test data with probing patterns, allowing for dynamic adjustments that optimize the throughput of valuable test and prober equipment.

Real Time Prober 1
Real Time Prober 2

Optimize Testing with Automated Prober Control

Automated Prober Control for Enhanced Throughput:

Automatically adjust probing patterns based on real-time test data, operator commands, or analytics, significantly enhancing test equipment throughput.

Intelligent Sampling and Test Decisions:

Implement sample testing strategies and dynamically decide on passing remaining dies or shifting to full probe based on initial test outcomes.

Integration with Analysis Modules:

Works seamlessly with statistical process control and reporting modules, enabling decisions based on real-time data to effectively manage yield excursions.

Historical Data-Informed Testing:

Skip testing dies based on historical failure rates at specific wafer locations, optimizing testing efficiency and reducing unnecessary test cycles.

Responsive Re-Probing Strategies:

Automatically re-probe and re-test dies using alternative probe sites in response to detected failures, ensuring comprehensive wafer testing without delays.

Real Time Prober 1

Real-Time Handler and Prober Control Module: Maximizing Test Efficiency

yieldWerx's Real-Time Handler and Prober Control Module revolutionizes the semiconductor testing process by enabling engineers to automatically control prober operations. This module integrates real-time test data with probing patterns, allowing for dynamic adjustments that optimize the throughput of valuable test and prober equipment.

Real Time Prober 2

Optimize Testing with Automated Prober Control

Automated Prober Control for Enhanced Throughput:

Automatically adjust probing patterns based on real-time test data, operator commands, or analytics, significantly enhancing test equipment throughput.

Intelligent Sampling and Test Decisions:

Implement sample testing strategies and dynamically decide on passing remaining dies or shifting to full probe based on initial test outcomes.

Integration with Analysis Modules:

Works seamlessly with statistical process control and reporting modules, enabling decisions based on real-time data to effectively manage yield excursions.

Historical Data-Informed Testing:

Skip testing dies based on historical failure rates at specific wafer locations, optimizing testing efficiency and reducing unnecessary test cycles.

Responsive Re-Probing Strategies:

Automatically re-probe and re-test dies using alternative probe sites in response to detected failures, ensuring comprehensive wafer testing without delays.

Why Choose Real-Time Handler and Prober Control Module by yieldWerx

The Real-Time Handler and Prober Control Module by yieldWerx transforms the semiconductor testing landscape, providing a smart, efficient solution to manage and optimize prober operations. This tool is essential for manufacturers aiming to reduce test times, enhance equipment throughput, and respond proactively to testing challenges with real-time data insights.

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