Optimizing Yield with Reporting and Analysis Module

Semiconductor device manufacturers aim to leverage yieldWerx's comprehensive data management system and advanced analytical reporting capabilities. Their goal is to implement the Reporting & Analysis module, a key component of yieldWerx, to generate realtime, accurate, and timely produce on yield reports. This enables engineers, planners, and other stakeholders to monitor their products throughout the manufacturing process effectively, facilitating early detection and resolution of any anomalies that may impact product quality and yield.


  • Adoption and Setup:

    A semiconductor manufacturer dealing with yield inconsistencies adopts the yieldWerx Reporting & Analysis module. They set up the system to collect and analyze data from their product on process, leveraging yieldWerx's capabilities to consolidate different data types into a single database.

  • Realtime Monitoring and Analysis:

    The manufacturer uses the automated reports generated by the Reporting & Analysis module to monitor the production yield in real-time. The system's advanced analysis capabilities help them identify patterns and trends, as well as any anomalies in the yield.

  • Alert Generation and Problem Resolution:

    When the system detects an anomaly that could affect product quality or yield, it triggers an alert. Engineers promptly investigate the issue, using the detailed analysis provided by yieldWerx to diagnose the root cause and take corrective actions.

  • Continuous Improvement:

    The manufacturer uses the insights gained from the system's reports and analysis to drive continuous improvement in their production processes. They are able to make data-driven decisions to optimize yield and enhance product quality.


  • Efficient Reporting:

    Over 300 standard reports are generated automatically, eliminating the need for manual script writing and database probing.

  • Timely Alerts:

    The module triggers alerts based on yield targets, statistical bin limits, and other metrics, enabling early anomaly detection.

  • In-depth Analysis:

    The system facilitates a comprehensive analysis of yield consistency, failure types, and correlations between different yields.

  • Geospatial Analysis:

    The module offers tools for geospatial analysis through wafer map reports.

  • Correlation Analysis:

    It allows for correlation analysis within wafer "zones" for improved accuracy.

  • Enhanced Collaboration:

    The system fosters collaboration between different teams for efficient.

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