Assembly Map Generation
This module generates wafer maps that support automated optical inspection (AOI) and assembly steps in a variety of industry formats. It supports transferring these maps to....

Quality Assurance & Risk Elimination (QAR)
This module supports a variety of outlier detection techniques which require using data from a wafer lot, single wafer, or localized neighborhood of the die to make the pass/fail determination. Product and quality engineers...

Cross Work Center Correlation
This module allows a user to perform a Root Cause Analysis for low yields at either Wafer Sort or Final Test. Users can correlate between Inline Fab data (PCM/WAT) and any other test data source loaded...
Real time Lot Control and Disposition
This module issues alerts to place lots on hold for disposition or direct lots to specific test programs. Alerts are based upon user-defined rules. Lot Commonality report capability is also provided.....
Executive Dashboard
Integrates all your distinct sources of data within Microsoft Power BI. Enable analysts, managers, and engineers to use dashboards and interactive graphical representations of data to....
SPC/SBL/SYL synopsis: Ability to set and monitor Statistical Process Control limits, Statistical Bin Limits, Statistical Yield Limits. Handle WIP as well as integration with MES. The associated operational ...
Smart Wafer Merge
Ability to merge data from different data sources, and test conditions via user-definable rules and policies. Ability to perform what-if analysis. Can also create complex rules based....
Wafer/Reticle Map Definition Tool
Reticle Definition and Wafer Map definition tool that allows you to define simple reticles to multi die and sub die reticle maps. Used then in reporting and analysis as well as Assembly.